Blackheads are a real calamity. Indeed, they appear on the nose, cheeks, or even the chin, and complicate our lives. Admittedly, havin

g blackheads on your face is never very aesthetic. And when you know that the foundation tends to clog pores, and therefore promote their appearance, it is necessary to find effective solutions to fight them effectively.

Do you want to know how to remove blackheads from your face? Note that you don't have to invest tens of euros in cosmetic products. Indeed, there are completely natural and inexpensive solutions, which will allow you to find a face without pimples. What are they ? This is what we will explain to you here.

  1. How to remove blackheads with a Konjac sponge?
  2. Do you know the Konjac sponge?

It’s a completely natural, marine sponge with really surprising characteristics. At first, it is astringent and exfoliating. Also, it allows you to get rid of all your dead skin. But that's not all !

It is sanitizing, and also helps regulate sebum. Its price, of 3 or 4 euros, will certainly have finished convincing you! So how do you use a Konjac sponge?

Moisten your sponge to return it to its original shape
Make small circular movements, starting from the nose towards the cheeks, and going up
Go all over the face to take advantage of its many benefits
After just one pass, you will really see the difference: the pores are tightened, and the blackheads will gradually disappear.

How to remove blackheads with lemon?
Lemon is an ally in your kitchen, but also in your bathroom. That's right, it allows you to effectively fight blackheads. In a matter of weeks, you’ll be able to get rid of those ugly pimples that ruin your life. But then, how to proceed?

Every evening, squeeze a lemon
Pour the juice on a cotton pad
Massage your face with cotton
There is no need to rinse. In addition to being effective, lemon juice is pleasant, because it will allow you to feel a feeling of freshness!

How to remove blackheads with rhassoul?

Do you know rhassoul? In reality, it is a land that comes from Morocco, and which has been used for millennia to treat skin problems, but also to cleanse the hair. His property? Rhassoul absorbs fat. In shampoo, it addresses sebum, and in hair mask, it allows you to get rid of blackheads. To use it, nothing could be simpler:

Mix two tablespoons of Rhassoul in a bowl
Moisten the earth to obtain a smooth paste
Apply to the face
Leave on for about 30 minutes
Rinse off with lukewarm water
After a few uses, you will really be able to see the difference.

How to remove blackheads on the nose with a steam bath?
Are you looking for a completely natural solution that does not require you to apply products, even healthy ones, to your face?

Then we have the right solution for you! Yep, it's the steam room. The vapor tends to open the pores, and therefore to let out all the impurities. You can then finish the job, pressing your skin gently with your fingers to extract the blackheads.

In a saucepan, bring water to a boil
You can add a few drops of essential oil that you like
Place your face for a few minutes above the pan
Then press the black dots, to extract them
How to remove blackheads on the face with baking soda?
Baking soda is a magic ingredient that you can use in the kitchen, in the bathroom, or for your daily cleaning. How can it effectively remove blackheads? Here is how to use it well, to care for your skin:

Squeeze lemon juice
Add baking soda to make a paste
Apply the paste on the nose
Wait thirty minutes
Rinse with water
You can use this method once a day to quickly see the results.

Removing blackheads: tips from grandmothers

Do you want to know how to remove black spots from grandma's recipe? We have a few to give you, including thyme, clay, and potatoes. We have seen how to remove blackheads from the nose in a natural way, and without chemicals and harmful to your health! Would you like to know more?

Thyme: we have seen how to remove blackheads with lemon, but know that with thyme, it is also possible. How does thyme work on your skin? In reality, it is an antiseptic plant, which allows you to thoroughly cleanse your skin. In this way, it becomes possible to get rid of blackheads more easily. So how do you remove blackheads naturally with thyme? You just need to infuse a sprig of thyme in a little boiling water. With this infusion, moisten a cotton pad and pass it over your nose, or all the areas that deserve to be treated
Clay: how to remove blackheads on the nose quickly? With clay, you will be able to work miracles! It’s a great mask for removing blackheads. Just take some powdered green clay, mix it with a little water and a spoonful of yogurt, and apply the mixture on your nose. Repeat the operation every day, until you no longer notice the presence of blackheads on your face
The potato: here is a tip to remove blackheads particularly effective. Just place a slice of potato on your nose, then rub it gently. There is nothing harmful about the potato, so you can use this trick several times a day
Here are all the tips to remove blackheads from the nose. Now let's see how to remove blackheads with toothpaste. Is this method really effective? We are going to see him.

How to remove blackheads: does the toothpaste trick really work?
On the Internet, or in magazines, you have certainly heard of the trick with toothpaste to remove your blackheads. But is it really effective? There is only one method to find out: you must try. Indeed, each skin is different, so it is important to test on your own epidermis. How to proceed ?

Wet a clean toothbrush
Add some toothpaste
Rub the toothbrush directly on your nose
If you want to get slightly faster results, you can add salt to your toothbrush.

How to remove blackheads on the nose: learn how to avoid them!
What if you learn to avoid the appearance of blackheads? There are simple methods to set up, which can help you:

Eat a varied and healthy diet: you must avoid absorbing too much fat and sugar. This produces an excess of sebum, which will necessarily cause you blackheads
Do not forget to cleanse your face well: it is absolutely necessary, to allow your pores to air out, and thus prevent them from clogging up
Remove your makeup well at the end of the day. Makeup tends to clog pores, and therefore cause blackheads
Blackheads, those unsightly little spots on the skin of the face. You want to get rid of it, but you don't know what it takes? In this article, we offer some of the different methods to remove blackheads.

How to remove blackheads?
Blackheads are not a sign of poor hygiene, but they are also not very beautiful to see. This is why we are always looking for a way to get rid of it. They are most often located on what is called the T-zone which is the nose, forehead and chin. Here are some tips for removing blackheads.

Remove blackheads with cosmetics
There are various products on the market to get rid of blackheads, the best is to favor products based on fruit acid, but which must also be adapted to your skin type, so as not to irritate it. In addition to the cleansing gels, you will also find patches, which remain, however, not very recommendable for dry skin. In addition to the fact that patches are used to remove much more blackheads from the nose.

Black point extractor
Blackhead nose or for any other area you can use blackhead extractors which are relatively effective in removing blackhead. You just have to place the device on the area to be treated to allow black point extraction. Is it really effective? According to the users, using these devices, you open the pores of the skin even more, which makes them fill faster.

In addition to blackhead extractors, there is also another device on the market called the facial sauna. It is an older use, with a steam bath, but in a more innovative form which is generally followed by deep cleansing, with exfoliation and masks then hydration.

Natural tips against blackheads
Far from the relatively expensive cosmetics and special devices to get rid of them. Here are some natural tips for removing blackheads from your face.

Lemon, just squeeze its juice, soak a cotton pad and put it on your skin every night and let it dry and wash your face in the morning.
Honey, to use on cleansed skin, you leave 15 minutes before cleaning with clean water.
Cleaning blackheads is one thing, but preventing their appearance is even better, that's why it is important to have good hygiene with cleanings at least every week to 15 days with scrubs exfoliators, but also masks and finish with good hydration to nourish your skin.