How to have a smooth and clear skin?

To maintain a skin you must have a daily routine, for this it is necessary:

  • Cleanse your skin: you must cleanse the face, but not with any product. There are cleaning products in the form of gel or foam suitable for each type of skin (dry, oily, combination to oily). 

    These gels will allow you to get rid of bacteria and unclog the pores of your skin to leave it fresh and clean, before starting your day.  Do this ritual twice a day, morning and evening. It is important to cleanse your skin before falling asleep to rid it of any dust that may have accumulated on the skin.

  • Exfoliate your skin: to have a smooth and soft skin nothing better than a good scrub to exfoliate your face from all dead skin and impurities that have become encrusted.

    Do it once or twice a week regardless of your skin type, otherwise you risk sensitizing your skin and irritating it. 

    In case you want to exfoliate your face daily, choose a light product to use with a sponge or with your fingers using circular movements.

    For exfoliating products, you can use either industrial products sold commercially or use natural and organic products, you can also wear exfoliating gloves, that said they can irritate your skin.  After exfoliating your skin, always moisturize it.

  • Tone your skin: it is a product used after cleansing and exfoliating products, it cleans even more deeply while minimizing the appearance of large pores.

    If you have oily skin, use alcohol and salicylic acid toners to remove excess fat. If you have dry skin, opt for an alcohol-free toner (This phase is optional, but gives a better result if you use it).

  • Hydrate your skin: after cleaning your face, it is very important to hydrate your skin. Whatever your skin type, you need to hydrate yourself. There are creams suitable for each skin type. 

    A day cream is essential, it will not only hydrate your skin but also protect and nourish it. If you go outside, choose a cream with UV protection. You can also use it before applying makeup, it will serve as your makeup base.

    For the evening, use a night cream. Choose non-comedogenic creams, so you don't have to worry about your pores (dilation).

Remember this basic rule: cleanse, exfoliate and then hydrate. It’s a ritual that you have to do mechanically to maintain your skin.

What are the other rules to follow?

For even more effect and to accelerate the smooth skin effect, you must:

  • Drinking lots of water, the secret to good hydration is to drink at least 1 and a half liters or 2 liters per day, to tone and help your skin and your body to function properly.
  • Get enough sleep at night. Sleep is one of the essential factors that helps your skin to rest and regenerate. Respect the hours of sleep your body needs to stay healthy.
  • Eat the right foods to nourish your skin from the inside out. Choose foods rich in Omega 3, such as: fish, nuts, flax seeds, tofu, etc.
  • After exfoliating and toning your skin, always put an ice cube on your face to tighten and close the pores. If you don't have cold water on it.
  • Protect your skin from the sun before going out by applying a sunscreen with a fairly high spf.
  • Avoid touching your face, by manipulating it with your hands, you will transfer bacteria, and leave scars if you touch or pierce your pimples.
  • If you have acne, consult a dermatologist before applying anything to your skin.
  • Reduce the use of makeup on your skin, especially the foundation, if you follow these steps you will no longer need it.
  • Reduce your stress: stress lets appear pimples which is not pretty to see. In this case take care of yourself, to de-stress and relax, opt for sports or yoga sessions to relax.

With all these steps and tips your skin is renewed, refreshed, brand new but above all clean and smooth.